Narrativa – Alexandre Nodari

Vol 21 (2022) Antropoficciones Narrativa Alexander Nodari PDF Resumo O presente texto propõe uma reflexão a respeito do(s) ponto(s) de vista narrativo(s), de modo que, para tal, também se concentra…

Introducción Editorial

Vol 21 (2022) Antropoficciones   Antropoficciones: ética, técnica y política no humana para otros mundos posibles Claudio Celis Bueno & raúl rodríguez freire PDF * Este dossier de Culture Machine se…

Llamada Culture Machine vol. 21 (2022)

Antropoficciones: ética, técnica y política no-humana para otros mundos posibles Editores invitados: Claudio Celis Bueno, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano, Chile raúl rodríguez freire, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile…

We Have Always Been Artificially Intelligent: An Interview with Joanna Zylinska–Claudio Celis and Pablo Ortuzar Kunstmann

Something that we find very interesting is the distinction between a representational level of images and a performative level. And we believe that both levels are very important to consider when thinking about the politics of images today. The problem is that theory has been too concerned with representation and hasn’t paid enough attention to performativity. But on the other hand, performativity can be considered an application of power structures. What are your thoughts about this distinction and its importance to reflect on the politics of images today?

Artificial Relational Intelligence: Breath as Interface–Lisa Müller-Trede

While many organisms would face severe difficulties unlearning their register of multiple ‘distinct’ bodies, machine learning algorithms can train on diversified inputs without preconceived notions of this separation. Within the reciprocity of kinaesthetic awareness and the inherent feedback of kinaesthetic perception lies a nuanced methodological potential and an implicit force which has been largely neglected in the predominantly positivist development of affective computing. This focus on a kinaesthetic sense of awareness may enact repercussions which call for a revised notion of relationality as well as for digital technologies beyond the binary.