BOOK 2.0 – Ted Striphas

On October 4, 1995, [Jim] Sachs asked his wife to take a snapshot of him tinkering in his garage with a sheet of acrylic and some sprinkler tubing. In the…

Literary Ghosts: Liner Notes – Mark Amerika

The track 'Literary Ghosts' is a computer-processed remix of digital source material from the FILMTEXT 2.0 project. The project began as a new commission from Playstation 2 as part of…

Database Fever

In Archive Fever, in what has quickly become one of the most frequently referred to passages in his oeuvre, Jacques Derrida suggests that new media technologies are not only transforming…

Interview with Donald E. Ingber

Donald E. Ingber and Diane Morgan Introduction The idea that Life, stretching from the smallest of organic elements to the cosmos itself, is governed by universal rules and basic principles…

From Retrovirus to Hyptertext: The Technogeneses of the Wake

Louis Armand RETRO-VIRUS/MYTHOMORPHOLOGY/TYPOGENETICS/ALETHEOMETRY/ARCHITECTONICS There is no genetics without 'genetic drift'. The modern theory of mutations has clearly demonstrated that a code, which necessarily relates to a population, has an essential…

Stuart Hall & Mark Sealy (2001) Different.

London: Phaidon Press. ISBN 0714840149. Pramod K. Nayar Different is a collection of photographs by Black artists in Britain. It explores the collaborative, conflictual or assimilatory relationship of Blacks with white…